We organize the Lüneburg Weeks against Racism

Graphics for Lüneburg Weeks against Racism

“As the initiator of the LWgR, I have been involved as part of the planning group since 2015. It is very important to me to actively set a clear signal against racism and to encourage people to address the issue with a diversity-oriented and anti-discriminatory attitude. I am committed to this professionally, voluntarily and privately.”

Ñurka Casanova

“Social cohesion is based on equal rights and equal opportunities. This also includes my commitment to solidarity against all forms of racism and discrimination. I am involved in the planning group because here we can experience the possibility of reflective cooperation and open exchange and develop guidelines for action against racism.”

Nuria Miralles Andress

“I have been actively involved in this network since its inception. I am involved in both my personal and professional life and am part of the planning group. In my view, racism stands for the rejection, belittlement, exclusion and unfair treatment that should not exist because we are all human beings. That’s why I’m happy to be here!”

Isabel Gerstl

“Racism affects us all. How a society can deal with racism
and discrimination says a lot about them. Human dignity should never be
negotiable I have been part of the planning group since 2017
and I work as a consultant for diversity and equality at the
Leuphana and beyond in favour of a non-discriminatory
and society that is critical of racism as well as respectful coexistence.”

Valentina Seidel

“As head of the model project ‘Competence Center against Antiziganism (KogA)’ of the Lower Saxony Memorial Foundation, it was and is important to me to also address racism and discrimination against Roma and Sinti within the framework of the LWgR. That’s why I’ve been involved since 2016 with my own offers and since 2017 through my work in the planning group.”

Bernd Grafe-Ulke

„I have been part of the LWgR since 2015 and have also been involved in the planning group since 2016. I not only deal with the topic of racism in my own learning process as an educator, but also try to counteract everyday racism in my everyday life and through my work with Aufstehen-gegen-Rassismus.“

Ludger Wessels