- February 26, 2024 – March 08, 2024
- March 02, 2024
- March 03, 2024
- March 04, 2024
- March 05, 2024
- March 05, 2024
- March 05, 2024
- March 05, 2024
- March 06, 2024
- March 06, 2024
- March 07, 2024
- March 07, 2024
- March 07, 2024
- March 08, 2024
- March 08, 2024
- March 09, 2024
- March 09, 2024
- March 10, 2024
- March 10, 2024
- March 11, 2024 – March 15, 2020
- March 11, 2024
- March 12, 2024
- March 13, 2024
- March 14, 2024
- March 14, 2024
- March 15, 2024
- March 15, 2024
- March 16, 2024
- March 16, 2024
- March 16, 2024
- March 16, 2024
- March 18, 2024 – March 22, 2020
- March 20, 2024
Remembering means fighting
Start: February 26, 2024
End: March 08, 2024Location: Kulturboden Scharnebeck, Bardowicker Straße 2, 21379 Scharnebeck
Between recognition and oblivion. The exhibition commemorates the ten victims of right-wing violence who have been killed in Lower Saxony since 1990. One of them, Gerhard Fischöder, was murdered in a shelter for homeless people in Scharnebeck.
Open daily from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Admission: Donation for WABE e.V.
Event organizer: Lüneburger Netzwerk gegen Rechts in cooperation with WABE e.V., Mobile Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus, Gemeinde Scharnebeck
Lecture and movie
Discrimination and racism in working life
Start: March 02, 2024, 11.00 am
End: 1.00 pm
Location: Utopia, Katzenstraße 1a, LG
The speaker Grace Lugert-Jose will present the results of her study on racism in working life. She has researched the experiences of Filipino nursing staff. Afterwards, a director will present his film “Sealand”. It deals with the experiences of Filipino professionals in the shipping industry. Afterwards, there will be an invitation to a joint discussion.
Grace Lugert-Jose
The event venue is not barrier-free.
Event organizer: Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Lüneburg, SPD Lüneburg, DGB Nordostniedersachsen
If my hair could talk
Start: March 03, 2024, 3.00 pm
End: 4.20 pm
Location: Museum Lüneburg, Marcus-Heinemann-Saal, Eingang Wandrahmstraße 10, LG
Target group: Families with children aged 6 and over
7-year-old Akoma lives with her parents in a small town near Hamburg. In Twi – a language spoken in Ghana – Akoma means “heart”. However, Akoma’s big heart reaches its limits when strangers grab her hair without being asked. In this lovingly illustrated book, Dayan Kodua tells the story of a girl who learns to say no and gains inner strength as a result.
Event organizer: Museum Lüneburg, Crime Prevention Council in the Hanseatic City and District of Lüneburg
Reading and discussion
Waters in Ziplock – CANCELLED
Start: March 04, 2024, 7.30 pm
End: 9.00 pm
Location: Heinrich-Heine-Haus, Am Ochsenmarkt 1, LG
Target group: Young people are particularly invited to
Dana Vowinckel reads from her novel in the series “Jewish Life in Literature”. This humorous novel illustrates the modern, conflict-ridden Jewish life of a Jewish family in Berlin, Chicago and Jerusalem. Dana Vowinckel, born in 1996, won the Deutschlandfunk Prize at the 2021 Ingeborg Bachmann Competition for an excerpt from this first novel. She lives in Berlin and increasingly has to deal with anti-Semitism.
Admission 10,- € / reduced 7,- €
Ticket reservations via mail@ligelue.de, max. 100 persons
The event venue is not barrier-free.
Event organizer: Literarische Gesellschaft Lüneburg e.V., Gesellschaft für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit e.V.
Creative hands-on activity
Signs against racism in public spaces
Start: March 05, 2024, 10.00 am
End: 1.00 pm
Location: Training and Work Plus, Salzstraße 1, LG
With a colorful spray campaign in Lüneburg’s city center and lots of ideas in mind, we want to speak out creatively and colorfully against racism on Lüneburg’s streets with slogans or symbols together with our participants and all those who want to join us. Not only can suggestions be exchanged in small groups, but it is also an invitation to get into conversation with one another.
Event organizer: Viktoria Wilke from A&A Ausbildung und Arbeit Plus GmbH, Deutsche Angestellten-Akademie
Racism is the mother of all problems
Start: March 05, 2024, 5.00 pm
End: 8.00 pm
Location: Room m Museum Lüneburg, Willy-Brandt-Straße 1, LG
An analysis of the current migration debate that inspires further thought and action. The workshop is suitable for the curious and beginners without prior knowledge are also welcome. Bring all your questions with you! We value respectful interaction and want to be a safe space for everyone.
Any questions, such as accessibility, can be sent toseebruecke.lueneburg@gmx.de
Registration is required by 02.03.2024 to seebruecke.lueneburg@gmx.de
Event organizer: Lüneburg pier
Lecture and discussion
Addressing racism and discrimination in the company
Start: March 05, 2024, 5.00 pm
End: 7.00 pm
Location: Salzstraße 1, Entrance Auf der Altstadt (Vierorten)
Target group: Especially for company representatives
A keynote speech by Ikram Errahmouni-Rimi followed by a panel discussion will provide us with suggestions for dealing professionally with discrimination in organizations. Discrimination is a problem for society as a whole and does not stop at the gates of the world of work. Find out how a confident approach to discrimination can increase your professionalism.
Event organizer: A&A Training and work plus GmbH, Ikram Errahmouni-Rimi
Reading and discussion
Start: March 05, 2024, 7.30 pm
End: 9.00 pm
Location: Hall for art e.V., Reichenbachstr. 2, LG
On seeing and being seen, self-images and self-doubt – thick body hair, brown teeth, big noses: Moshtari Hilal questions ideas of ugliness. Her explorations, analyses and memories lead into that innermost area where every self-image is put to the test. Poetic and touching, intimate and highly political, Moshtari Hilal tells of the norms with which we treat ourselves.
Moderation: Prasanna Oommen
Event organizer: Halle für Kunst e.V. Lüneburg in cooperation with the Literaturbüro Lüneburg and the Equal Opportunities Officer of the Hanseatic City of Lüneburg
Racism-free school? Racism-free school!
Start: March 06, 2024, 8.30 am
End: 11.00 am
Location: IGS Lüneburg, Graf-Schenk-von-Stauffenberg-Str. 1, LG
Target group: Closed event for pupils of the IGS Lüneburg
Workshop for pupils at IGS Lüneburg on the topic of everyday racism and discrimination, diversity and prejudice. The participants are sensitized and activated in the workshop and reflections are initiated on an individual level. The workshop is also characterized by its interactive and multimedia nature.
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Lorenz Narku Laing und David Schupp, B.A. Governance and Public Policy – Staatswissenschaften, ist Projektmanager und leitet Diversity-Trainings.
Event organizer: AWOSOZIALe Dienste Lüneburg gGmbH, Projekt Mental Health Coach, IGS Lüneburg Financed by the BMFSFJ
Recognizing subconscious prejudices – non-discriminatory in the workplace
Start: March 06, 2024, 12.00 pm
End: 2.30 pm
Location: Location will be announced in good time
Target group: Closed event for employees of AWOSOZIALe Dienste Lüneburg gGmbH
The participants are activated in the workshop and reflections are initiated at an individual level. The workshop is also characterized by its interactive and multimedia nature.
Speakers: David Schupp und Prof. Dr. Lorenz Narku Laing, Sozialwissenschaftler, Professor an der Evangelischen Hochschule Bochum, Gründer der
Vielfaltsprojekte GmbH and specializes in racism research and diversity training.
Prof. Dr. Lorenz Narku Laing
Event organizer: AWOSOZIALe Dienste Lüneburg gGmbH
Criticizing racism with children
Start: March 07, 2024, 10.00 am
End: 4.00 pm
Location: Room m Museum, Willy-Brandt-Straße 1, LG
Target group: Educational professionals who work with children, parents and other interested parties. Previous knowledge is not necessary.
From around the age of 3, children consciously perceive differences in appearance. They begin to reproduce racism and marginalize children. How can racism be discussed with children in everyday practice? How can differences and the associated injustice be addressed? And how can children affected by racism be empowered? We will discuss these questions in the workshop.
Event organizer: VNB e. V., vielgestaltig* 2.0
Panel discussion
What are you discriminating against me for today? – What it’s like to be affected by migration
Start: March 07, 2024, 5.00 pm
End: 7.00 pm
Location: Psychiatric clinic, Albert Ransohoff Saal (Haus 48), Am Wienebütteler Weg 1, LG
People with disabilities and migrant backgrounds are often affected by multiple discrimination. In addition to hostility towards disabled people, they also experience racist hostility. The panel discussion organized by the memorial aims to draw attention to this form of discrimination and talk about the problems and consequences of “ableism” and racism in this context.
Event organizer: “Euthanasia” memorial site Lüneburg
Workshop and discussion
White people also experience racism! Discussing white privilege and racism with parents
Start: March 07, 2024, 6.00 pm
End: 9.30 pm
Location: AStA of the University of Lüneburg, Room C9.102 Universitätsallee 1, LG
Many students repeatedly experience conversations with family members who have not dealt with racism. However, as we are not the only ones who experience this and lack the knowledge to deal with it, we are organizing this workshop in which participants are shown their privileges as people not affected by racism. Sabrina Rahimi and Jannik Veenhuis will provide us with discussion tools to uncover and refute racist narratives in conversations with parents and others.
Registration: until 29.02. under: sprecherinnen@asta-lueneburg.de max. 18 People
Event organizer: AStA of the University of Lüneburg
Start: March 08, 2024, 3.30 pm
End: 4.00 pm
Location: On and around the Lüneburg market square
Various youth clubs of Theater Lüneburg present a joint performance on the subject of human rights. In this context, human rights are a solid pillar …supporting our own experience? …or provocative? We also look out into the world and ask ourselves: how much shock can human dignity withstand?
Event organizer: Theater Lüneburg
Feminist-antiracist rally for International Women’s Day
Start: March 08, 2024, 4.00 pm
End: 6.00 pm
Location: Marketplace Lüneburg
Show solidarity, make demands known: On the occasion of International Women’s Day / Feminist Struggle Day, we want to make loud and clear what is still needed to achieve gender equality, including for all those with a history of migration and a refugee background who live here and are part of our society.
Event organizer: Equal Opportunities Officer Hanseatic City of Lüneburg
Narratives for diversity
Start: March 09, 2024
End: 3.00 pm
Location: mosaique – Haus der Kulturen, Katzenstraße 1, LG
On this day, children are read to in different family languages. Translations or explanations accompany the performances. Afterwards, there will be an opportunity to discuss the texts and their backgrounds with the readers. People with a history of migration make themselves visible through the diversity of their languages and cultures in Lüneburg.
Language: Various languages with translations into German
Event organizer: LIVT – Lüneburg Initiative for Diversity and Participation, Music School of the Hanseatic City of Lüneburg
Countering anti-feminist and sexist slogans
Start: March 09, 2024, 3.00 pm
End: 7.00 pm
Location: Bunte Hanse, Lübecker Str. 46, LG
Target group: FLINTA* (women, lesbians, inter-, non-binary, trans and other people who see themselves as non-male)
Who hasn’t come across sexist, queer-hostile or anti-feminist slogans in everyday life, some of which have been unthinkingly or deliberately unleashed and which leave us speechless? How can we respond to them? In this regulars’ table fighter workshop, possible courses of action are presented, discussed and practiced in order to counter these slogans decisively and clearly.
Registration: until 06.03. under:
Event organizer: Equal Opportunities Officer of the Hanseatic City of Lüneburg in cooperation with Aufstehen gegen Rassismus and Checkpoint Queer
City tour
Lüneburg under National Socialism
Start: March 10, 2024, 11.00 am
End: 12.30 pm
Location: Gewerkschaftshaus, Heiligengeiststr. 28, LG
The tour leads to places that played an important role during the Nazi era. Lüneburgers who were victims of the Nazi regime are also commemorated.
Costs: Donation
Event organizer: History workshop and pupils of the Wilhelm Raabe School
Themed tour
Provenance research at the Museum Lüneburg – what has remained?
Start: March 10, 2024, 3.00 pm
End: 4.00 pm
Location: Museum Lüneburg, meeting point: Museumsfoyer, Eingang Willy-Brandt-Straße 1, LG
From 2013-2016, a project on Nazi provenance research was carried out at the Museum Lüneburg. Anneke de Rudder and Dr. Ulfert Tschirner report on what has remained of this research and which impulses have become permanently anchored in the museum’s collections and activities. These include projects such as the synagogue memorial and the new website on Jewish life in Lüneburg.
Event organizer: Museum Lüneburg
Project week
We show attitude
Start: March 11, 2024, 8.00 am
End: March 15, 2020, 3.00 pm
Location: BBS III Lüneburg, Am Schwalbenberg 26, LG
As part of a project week, pupils and teachers from various classes will deal with the topic “We show attitude” and take part in various activities such as a flash mop against violence, a panel discussion on civil courage and workshops on the topics of “Argumentation training against racism”, “Regulars’ table slogans” and “Creative workshop – We show attitude”.
The event venue is not barrier-free.
Event organizer: BBS III Lüneburg, Aufstehen gegen Rassismus Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Arne Wachtel with Hannah Koch and Vinoth Leon Balachandran (BBS III)
Lecture and discussion
Countering ethnic land grabbing
Start: March 11, 2024, 6.00 pm
End: 8.30 pm
Location: Leuphana Universität, Universitätsallee 1, LG, Gebäude 9, C9.102
Right-wing extremists in Lüneburg? With brown ecology and racist ideology, ethnic settlers have been living and operating in the Lüneburg region for decades. Who are the Völkisch and what strategies are they pursuing? This is what specialist journalist Andrea Röpke discusses in her presentation. Afterwards, possible courses of action and questions from the audience will be discussed with other experts.
Event organizer: AStA of the University of Lüneburg, Lüneburg Network against the Right, supported by the Amadeu Antonio Foundation
Musical reading
Sinti-Jazz: a critical-musical conversation
Start: March 12, 2024, 7.30 pm
End: 9.00 pm
Location: Music School of the Hanseatic City of Lüneburg, Sankt-Ursula-Weg 7, LG
The musical reading is a contribution to respect for the achievements of Sinti*zze and Rom*nja in music culture. Sinti Jazz, the music of the Danny Weiss Ensemble inspired by Django Reinhardt, will be accompanied by short readings and will also be a plea against racism. After centuries of persecution, the racist genocide of the European Sinti and Roma, antiziganism is still a fundamental reality in our society today.
Costs: Donation
Event organizer: VVN-BdA Lüneburg, Competence Center against Antiziganism (KogA), Music School of the Hanseatic City of Lüneburg
Hidden racism – right-wing codes and symbols
Start: March 13, 2024, 6.00 pm
End: 8.00 pm
Location: Gewerkschaftshaus, Heiligengeiststr. 28, LG
Hidden racism: about signs and symbols in everyday life that seem harmless to us but may have a right-wing background. How can we recognize and deal with them?
Speakers: Jasmina Bindner, Project Coordination Office against Right-Wing Extremism and Xenophobia Oldenburg, and Julia Gede, Office Manager Arbeit und Leben Lüneburg.
Event organizer: Work and life Lüneburg
Courage to take a stand – sports clubs as promoters of democracy
Start: March 14, 2024, 5.30 pm
End: 8.30 pm
Location: Location will be announced in good time
Target group: Members, trainers and board members of sports clubs in the district and Hanseatic city of Lüneburg
The team of speakers will address questions about legal certainty and discuss possible strategies for action in a practical way. FOR EXAMPLE: How can athletes react to racist remarks in the changing room? Are sports clubs allowed to exclude right-wing extremist members? How can club representatives in sport succeed in strengthening a clear stance against the right?
The event venue is not barrier-free.
Event organizer: Kreissportbund Lüneburg e.V., Right-wing extremism commissioner of the district of Lüneburg in cooperation with the Landessportbund Niedersachsen e.V., the network “Sport & Politics for Fairness, Respect and Human Dignity” at the Deutsche Sportjugend im DOSB e.V.
Live on
Start: March 14, 2024, 7.00 pm
End: 8.30 pm
Location: mosaique – Haus der Kulturen, Katzenstraße 1, LG
Ernst Bögershausen reads from Ruth Klüger’s book “Weiter Leben”. It reports on the experiences of a Jewish child in a concentration camp.
Costs: Donation
Event organizer: Lüneburg History Workshop
Racism in children’s books
Start: March 15, 2024, 3.00 pm
End: 6.30 pm
Location: DÜNE – Educational and cultural center, Am Sande 27, LG
Children not only learn about the big colorful world through children’s books. They also hear stories about devaluation and exclusion. The workshop is about recognizing the various racisms in children’s books and how prejudice-conscious (pre-)reading can succeed. We want to read together with you, talk to each other and get to know alternative books.
Event organizer: Grannies against the right, KADNON/diversu e.V. (Antidiskriminierungsstelle)
Clashing Differences
Start: March 15, 2024, 7.00 pm
End: 9.30 pm
Location: SCALA Cinema, Apothekenstr. 17, LG
Sometimes tragicomic, sometimes frightening: this trenchant feature film takes a close look at the state of the diversity debate. Merle Grimme is a German Black film director, screenwriter and producer. For the film, she developed a production concept for anti-discriminatory and inclusive production that aims to overcome structures of inequality in the film industry. In the presence of the director Merle Grimme.
Registration: movie tickets at the cinema
Cost: Admission € 12.00 / reduced € 10.50
Event organizer: SCALA Cinema + Medien GmbH
Start: March 16, 2024, 10.00 am
End: 5.00 pm
Location: VHS REGION Lüneburg, Haagestraße 4, LG, the room will be announced in good time
Target group: People with experiences of racism
This space is for all people who have been affected by racism and who are allowed to talk openly and honestly about their experiences. It is time to make space for these experiences, because racism robs people of their dignity, their equality and their basic human rights.
Speaker: Tsepo Andreas Bollwinkel, freelance author and trainer
Event organizer: Joint Integration Advisory Board for the Hanseatic City and District of Lüneburg
Festival of encounters for acceptance and tolerance
Start: March 16, 2024, 1.00 pm
End: 7.00 pm
Location: mosaique – House of Cultures, Katzenstraße 1, LG
The mosaique is considered a place of cultures. On this day, we want to get into conversation with many people and deal with the topic of human rights in different ways. A reading by the theater, children’s activities inside and outside, cultural events and a cake buffet will accompany us throughout the day.
Language: Arabic, Russian, Ukrainian, Farsi, English, French, German and Low German
Costs: Donation
Event organizer: mosaique – House of Cultures, Theater Lüneburg
Start: March 16, 2024, 5.00 pm
End: 8.00 pm
Location: SCALA Cinema, Apothekenstr. 17, LG
What does independence mean? In search of her roots, the Afro-German actress Helen Wendt embarks on a journey that takes her to the GDR, Mozambique and Berlin. The award-winning essay film on members of independence movements in Mozambique, South Sudan, Great Britain, Catalonia and Bavaria, which asks what it means for people to fight for their freedom, follows in parallel. In the presence of the director Felix Meyer-Christian.
Language: Multilingual original version with German subtitles
Cost: Admission € 12.00 / reduced € 10.50

Event organizer: SCALA Cinema + Medien GmbH
Monologue about freedom
Start: March 16, 2024, 5.30 pm
End: 6.00 pm
Location: mosaique – House of Cultures, Katzenstraße 1, LG
As part of the “Festival of Encounters for Tolerance and Acceptance” event, actress Hannah Rang from Theater Lüneburg will speak Carolin Emckes’ monologue. It is a polemic against the justification of hate and shows how unfree those from whom racism and exclusion emanate are.
Event organizer: mosaique – House of Cultures, Theater Lüneburg
Vacation offer
TalentCampus: Europe in colors
Start: March 18, 2024, 9.00 am
End: March 22, 2020, 1.00 pm
Location: VHS REGION Lüneburg, Haagestraße 4, LG
Target group: Children between 6 and 9 years
An artistic journey through diversity and cohesion. This project not only provides a creative platform for children to develop their artistic skills, but also promotes a deeper understanding of the many facets of Europe.
Event organizer: VHS REGION Lüneburg
Dance workshop
Dancing united
Start: March 20, 2024, 4.30 pm
End: 6.30 pm
Location: Leuphana University, Universitätsallee 1, LG, the room will be announced in time
Target group: Students
Dance is an important part of different cultures and an expression of their original identity. Dance overcomes boundaries, creates unity and discovers common ground – a fascinating bridge between worlds! Would you like to try out different dance styles from different countries and discuss how intercultural exchange can take place as a result?
Language: English, German